A great classic, the Conn Chu Berry, with an inimitable sound, still used today by many saxophonists.

The instrument is in good general condition, the silver plating is in good condition, has not suffered a few strikes, structurally it is perfectly intact.

We have completely reconditioned replacing all the pads with the new black Saxgourmet, also replacing the springs, the felts, the corks. The mechanics were tight. Even the neck is well maintained, the microtuner is working.

We have also equipped the instrument with the automation opening of the G# when the keys of the low C#, B and Bb are pressed (see photo 17 and 18). Of this automation these instruments are not originally provided, but allows technical steps that would otherwise be almost impossible.

The instrument responds very well, maximum spontaneity on all the registers, excellent intonation, fantastic sound.

It’s supplied with the non-original hard case and a non-original plastic cap.


2 Responses to "NEW! CONN NEW WONDER II (CHU BERRY) ALTO 192886"

  1. luca olivetta says:

    Volevo sapere se il CONN NEW WONDER II (CHU BERRY) ALTO era ancora disponibile e quale era il prezzo. Grazie

    • Italo says:

      Salve Luca, chiedo scusa ma a causa di un malfunzionamento del sito visualizzo solo ora il Suo messaggio.

      Il suddetto Conn non è più disponibile e probabilmente Lei avrò trovato qualche altra buona occasione.

      La ringrazio per avermi contattato e mi scuso ancora per l’inconveniente.

      Cordiali saluti

      Italo Crudele

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